A study my friend told me about: – participants put in a room and told to write until their hand is messed up and disfigured that you can’t write anymore
– when you’re done and in so much pain you finish your part
– now go ahead to the back of the room to sign the form and receive your money for participating
– somehow they all found the strength to sign their name even after their hand felt like a beehive.
Because it’s about motivation. Their motivation to get the money was greater than the pain in their hand. Add social pressure into the mix and you’ve got yourself a recipe to change your behavior.
So you want to lose weight. You could sign up for Stickk. It might work because it’s strong social pressure.
Or put your ego on the line for a bjj tournament at a lower weight class. Of course you don’t want to lose play fighting another grown ass man. So you starve yourself.
Yes starve yourself. Say you do it for 5 days. Tell other people. Feel good about it when they praise you for your discipline. But then you’ve lost too much weight: around 10-13 lbs in 3.5 days. So you cut the starvation early. You start to eat. But you’re afraid of binge eating again. But you won’t cause you want to win the tournament.
You lose the tournament. Feel like shit. Why did you put yourself through that? Okay now gorge your face. Put all the weight back on in less than two days. Now you’re fat. You feel fat. You feel like shit. What do you do? Gorge your face some more.
Okay now you’re fat and you want to lose weight. So what do you do? Around and around we go. Giddy up merry go round rider because you’re in this for the long haul.
Congratulations. You have an eating disorder. Hip hip hooray you fat bucket of lard.