



Sunday night at 11pm in Berlin, we decided to hitchhike to Prague the following day. This moment of spontaneity led to one of the most “interesting” weeks of this trip.

Prague is an amazing city with culture, history, good food, beauty everywhere, and plenty to do. If we didn’t come here, I wouldn’t have met Ryan who tried to kick a chain in a bar and instead ending up cutting the top of his head open. He’s writing a book about car conversations he’s had while hitchhiking. If we didn’t come here, I wouldn’t have gotten black out drunk for the first time and successfully made my way back to the hostel on my own – and I don’t remember any part of it.

Experience. It’s all experience. Yes and. Things happen and we grow. Happening for me not to me. We love all of it.

This trip is winding down and here’s to the last month.


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