Last time in Europe for a while




In 1.5 weeks, I head to Portugal to film my friends wedding. He’s 5’2″ and she’s 6’0″. It’s a funny combo. It’ll be my fourth time visiting Portugal which is crazy to me. Out of the four flights to Portugal, I only paid for one, and I was flying from France, so it was cheap.

After my week in Portugal, I will be in Columbus for the most part and then Asia. It’s crazy to think It’ll be my last time for a long time visiting (Western) Europe. It makes me think of this thoughtful Sam Harris lesson:

Since 18 years old, I’ve spent much self discovery time there. And Europe is easy. So easy. And I will miss it nonetheless.

When’s the last time you’ll go to Europe? Or some place you really love? You never really do know. Act accordingly.


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