Take a day to be generous to the other people around you. Just one day. How does it make others feel around you? How does it make you feel? Maybe we should do this more often.
Take a day to be generous to the other people around you. Just one day. How does it make others feel around you? How does it make you feel? Maybe we should do this more often.
Acne sucks. I’ve had it for so long. What am I doing wrong? How badly do I want to get rid of it if it still hasn’t gone away? What actionable steps can I take today to ensure I get rid of my acne?
Here’s to finally getting clear skin
A friend pointed out to me that I have a lot of friends that are girls. Why is that? Do I subconsciously want their approval of me? Do I just keep them around so they can gas me up when the time comes? I believe that we all do thing for a reason, at least subconsciously. Am I not confident so I need them to prove to me that I’m capable of women attention? That sounds stupid. Not sure. I’ll think more on this.
The only guaranteed time is now so do your homework when you have the time
Rooted on by a lot of cute girls, I tried to do a back flip last night. I tried it three times and, I landed flat on my face on number three. Now I have a fat abrasion mark on my face. I’m happy I tried for sure. I was even really close on number 1. But I feel so stupid that a lot of me only wanted to do it cause of those cute girls. What’s the point in impressing them? Even if I do impress them, they’re not gonna remember me doing a back flip in two weeks. If you’re going to do something, do it for yourself. Don’t do it for the cute girls in the background.
What is the point of dating? If your’e not using the other person to make you feel better about yourself, then what’s the whole point? To practice for marriage? Why do 16 year olds date then? Are they practicing for marriage at 16? Do they seriously think they would be able to be in a successful marriage in a couple of years? The same thing could be said about a 21 year old. Are they willing to practice for 5+ years to see if they would be okay? With the divorce rate at 50%, I’m not sure if this practice is working. So what are we doing wrong? Are we rushing into relationships for the wrong reasons? Perhaps. It’s so hard not to. So many pretty and cool people around us, how can we not? Just be careful. What is the whole point.
When does an interest in someone turn into a crush? And then turn into full fledged feelings? And then, dare I say it, love? How does that progression go? And what spurs on that progression? Is it just exposure to someone? Seeing them and spending more time with them again and again? Then how do you get from love, to now you hate that person? Is that also just spending enough time with someone? Isn’t it funny how time can create crushes and also abolish crushes? What about time with someone creates a crush and what about time with someone deletes a crush? Chemistry? Compatibility? How are feelings even created? Why do we as humans always look for someone else to do life with? Is it so they can serve us? That’s so selfish. What’s the point in that? Is it so we can serve them? That’s so noble. Do we really have that desire with in us? It’s such a curious matter having a crush on someone.
I’m reading the Art of Possibility and something that I’m learning is not to take myself so seriously. That’s rule number 6. So if I see dishes in the sink that nobody cleaned, don’t take myself so seriously and just wash the dishes. Sorry these lazy fucks don’t know how to take care of themselves or other people. But it doesn’t matter and that shouldn’t matter because I’m not taking myself so seriously.
Exercise is great. Makes you feel good. Makes you look good. Clears your head. All those benefits. So if you’re not exercising? Why not? It’s time to make a change.
Lean hard to the people around you. This is the only guaranteed time that you have together. Now! So lean hard. Become close. Dive deep. The quality of our life depends on the quality of our relationships. So ask that pointed question. Don’t hide behind fear. Lean hard to the people around you and you will be so so so thankful later.
It’s that simple. Being late once is understandable. I get that. There are somethings you can’t control. But being late twice means you don’t care. Just don’t be late. Even if you don’t care. At that point, just quit the thing you’re late to. Don’t waste your time and everybody else’s time. Don’t be late.
I’ve been making my bed for three years now, not really knowing the benefits of it. Finally I feel like it’s clicked. Making your bed makes you get out of bed with something to do. That way you don’t stay there forever and stare at your phone. Making your bed makes you feel accomplished right from the get get in the morning. Seeing a made bed right before you go to sleep is always a good feeling. A clean made bed looks better and makes you feel more at ease. If nothing goes right into the day, at least you’ve made your bed. Sometimes you do things for three years not knowing why you do them. Sure you know it’s “good for you” but it hasn’t really registered. So you keep doing it and maybe three years later it will click for you. And all those times you made your bed prior were worth it. And you were happy you kept at it. So make your bed folks!
You can’t label other people’s experiences. You can only compare and contrast, not judge, if you yourself have experienced something similar. So don’t say shit about it until you’ve tried it yourself.
When you go to workout, have in your head, or written down somewhere, the number of sets and reps you will do. Then at the gym, don’t cut corners. Don’t skimp out on what you said you would do. You are already there so finish the job. This applies to other things as well. You’re already there, so why are you cutting corners? Just finish the job.
Life doesn’t happen to you. Life happens for you. Stop playing the victim. I get it. Life sucks a lot of the time. That doesn’t mean you have to be the victim all of the time. Listen to the stories that you are telling yourself. Are you victim in every single story? Stop being so self deprecating. It is sad and unattractive. You are not the victim.