



How will you spend Christmas? As my friends send their gifts in the group chat we have, I can’t help but feel a little poor. I’ve stopped getting gifts in sixth grade. And before we turn this into a pity party about me, Christmas is not about the gifts. Yes those are great. It’s about being with family. Because at the end of the day, your family is all you’ve got. Those with crappy families, what do you do? You’ve got yourself. And sometimes that has to be enough. It has to be. Merry Christmas.






The holidays are always a weird time for everyone. Especially those who don’t have a strong family. So about 80% off all families. I pulled that stat out of my butt and still it seems like so many of us live in broken families. Myself included. As the holidays roll around you start to wonder where is your place in this life? When you don’t feel you belong in one certain family, you can’t help but feel lonely. Here’s to building ourselves up so we can make healthy families. For once. Finally.






As this crazy year comes to an end, make sure to reflect. Take out all your journal entries, blog posts, photos, schedules from 2020 and go through it all. Write down the high highs and the low lows. Then circle the worst of the worst and the best of the best. Try to get the best of the best again in ’21 and completely eradicate the worst of the worst for ’21. Reflect on this crazy year and how you grew! And then continue to grow!


And we’re back!




Okay we’re back! Let’s get to #200 entries. That’s it! There is growth in writing. This can lead better habits. So let’s write more! Something I’ve learned is people are selfish. I’ve always known that, and it’s been solidified these past months. People are so selfish. They only think about themselves. And that’s okay. Maybe we’re programmed to be like that? You have to look for the true non selfish people, and you know you’ve found a good one.


Sorry it’s been a while




I told myself that I would stop after #200 entries. I clearly didn’t keep my word and took a long ass break. I want to be more disciplined with things I said I’d do. So here I am. 1 blog entry a day. If you stop doing something, and you know you should do it, like flossing or exercising or eating healthy, just pick it up again cold turkey. Don’t think that because you’ve already gone so long without it that you can continue without it. No. Just restart. It’ll be okay.


skipped another day




Not sure why I’m getting so bad at keeping this blog. Everything was easier in quarantine back home before I moved into this house with my friends. I was so much more productive. There’s a tradeoff for everything.


Two Day Rule




Don’t skip two days of something you want to do everyday. If you skip one, that’s fine, but don’t skip two. It’ll make it harder to pick up.






Suffering comes in two forms – physical and emotional. Physical suffering is like breaking your arm, wind sprints in 110 degree heat or corona virus. Emotional suffering is being broken up with, seeing your parents go through a divorce, getting fired from a job.

Which sucks more and why?


Stories are everywhere and everything




They are everywhere. What stories do you by into? What stories do you tell yourself? Watching Tenet last night solidified the importance of stories. It’s such an intricate story. How does Christopher Nolan do this? He is truly a mastermind linchpin. Tell more stories. Pay attention to more stories. Learn how to tell better stories. Stay away from anecdotes.


Well my mom always told me




A phrase that turns you back into a child. “Well ever since I was little”, “My mom always told me”, “I grew up like that”. Just because it worked when you were six years old, do you think it will work when you’re twenty one? Just because you’ve been doing it when you were a little kid does not mean it’s going to work now when the entire world has changed, you have changed, your mom has changed, everything has changed. We constantly bring ourselves back to childhood because there are so many unsolved problems from there. But also, we bring ourselves back there because that was a source of comfort. But you are so so so grown up. So stop referencing six year old self. Grow up and look at it for what it is now.


Say their name




Something I learned from the book “How To Win Friends and Influence People”, is that people love the sound of their name. This seems like an obvious statement. The sound of their name is more beautiful than anything found in nature and any word in any language. So say their name. Multiple times. As much as you can that’s not weird when you’re talking to someone. Notice how you feel when somebody says your name. So say their name and people will like you more. Not sure if that’s the correct reason to do it but it’s a benefit.


Define when to quit




As life gets busier, my habits start to disappear. I’m no longer reading, no longer practicing Portuguese, and no longer drinking tons of water. My blog posts also have been getting short. I want to quit and stop doing this. I don’t a clear and cut benefit from doing this. I know it helps, I just don’t see the good stuff right now. But I’m not going to quit. Because I defined when I’m going to quit. And there’s so much power in that. There’s so much power in defining when to quit. I said I would reevaluate at post number #200. So I still have a ways to go. Define when to quit.






Be honest. That’s it. Be honest. Straight forward. Direct. With the people around you. Your life will get easier.
