



If it’s not in your calendar, you won’t do it. It doesn’t exist. Put it in your calendar, your to do list, schedule, whatever you use and stick to it. Don’t tell yourself, “yeah I’ll keep this in my head and do it later.” You won’t. You’re weak. So put it in your calendar and you will do it.


Ask about them




I’ve wrote about this before, I think, and I will write about it again. Ask about them. Instead of saying, “oh I ate a blueberry muffin for breakfast too!” Say, “Oh really? How did it taste? What did you like about it? How does it compare to other breakfast items?” You get the point. Stop relating it to yourself. Ask about them, let them go deeper, and so will your friendship.






Find a community. If you can’t find one, make one.

“Friendship is a mirror to presence and a testament to forgiveness. Friendship not only helps us see ourselves through another’s eyes, but can be sustained over the years only with someone who has repeatedly forgiven us for our trespasses…”

— Excerpt from Consolations by David Whyte

Even if you’re an introvert. Find people that get you and build each other up. Go to the beach. Go to the mountains. Be with one another.


Get back at it




You are so close to your goal and you take a week off. Get back at it. As soon as you can. Do not quit all together if this is something you want. Do the work, return to the daily schedule. Turn around instead of diving deep into the abyss of shit. You are worth more. Get back at it. Let’s get to 200 blog posts.


What’s next?




What are you doing right now? Does it please your soul? If not, what’s next? Are you stuck in a dead end job? What’s your exit strategy? What’s next for you? Stop staying in the same place. Leave your comfortable couch and grow.


Change your mind




“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect” – Mark Twain.

“The only thing that I know is that I know nothing.” – Plato

Change your mind about what you know – about the media, race, medicine, psychology, relationships. Everything and anything can change. Learn new things. Pick up a book. We grew up believing drugs were bad but did we know that Nixon created a narrative for the American public to believe that? So change your mind.

Also we are getting close to #200 entries. Wow. Didn’t think we’d get here.


Take care of your body




If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know the suck that follows. You’ll realize you’ve been taking that body part for granted all these years. So take care of your body. Lift weights. Run outside. At least 3 times a week. Take care of your body because when you want to boogie with your granddaughter on her wedding day, you will be able to and your knees won’t crumble.


Stop Complaining




If you complain, you agree with your shitty situation. You are complacent. You are not willing to put in the work to better yourself. What if it’s the weather? You can’t change the weather so why complain about it? It’ll come the way it comes. And you will deal with it either way. Negativity brings yourself down and the others around you. Nobody wants a negative fat hole of suck around them.


Seek Discomfort




Try new things, go out of your comfort zone. Stop being stagnant. Seek discomfort, like the Yes Theory boys say. Then you will grow. Then you will become stronger. This doesn’t mean to go throw yourself off a 20m high dive when you can’t swim. No. Be smart about it. Watch your mind expand and grow as you embark on new adventures and experiences.


Ask Good Questions




Every interaction is a negotiation. So ask good questions. How can you learn from this person/interaction? Stop talking about yourself. That time will come later. Now, ask questions to further the relationship, to further the deal, to know yourself better.

Some good questions:
– How can I improve?
– How did that make you feel?
– What are some books you’ve recommended in the past?
– What would you do if you were in my position?
– How did you change from that experience?
– Why are you acting this way?


Book trips




Have a few small trips planned so you can look forward to them. The anticipation will be better than the trip itself, and that is okay. Book things in advance, change them if you need to. The anticipation is worth paying for.


Ask about them




There will come a time when a friend brings up a topic that you can relate too. Instead of interrupting and mentioning how you relate, let them talk. Ask deeper into their experience. You will discover the world of being a good listener.






Travel is exhausting. Travel is expensive. Travel is annoying. Ask yourself why do you travel? Why spend hard earned money when you can be comfortable where you’re at now? Why suffer the risk of missing flights, connections, etc when you can just stay home? Find your why so you can put up with all the gunk that comes along with travel. Travel is worth it.






I’m tired. I skipped days before. I’m travelling. I’m about to go to bed. I don’t care. Do the work. You commit to something and you will see it to the end. Rise above everyone else who throws in the towel, who is complacent with their mediocrity. You are tired. You are lazy. You skipped days before and you will do the work. Fuck excuses. Fuck what you’re feeling. Commit to greatness. Commit to getting better.
