Do you journal?




I was journaling in front of my friend Jim. He’s in his late sixties and was looking at what I was doing. I asked him, “Do you journal?” he looks away with a half scoff and says no. People react this way with many different questions, “Do you meditate?”, “Have you called your mother?”, “Did you go to bed at a reasonable hour last night?” We react this way because maybe our lives could benefit from these behaviors. Even just a little. So why don’t we do something about it? Why continue to sit on our asses and mope? Do the work. Share your art. Get better. No more complacency. No more hating yourself when you look in the mirror. Go journal.






Two is one and one is none. It’s a hard balance with backups. Do I need two cars? What about two nail clippers? Or two of the same camera cord? If I get two of everything then I’ll be in a heap of crap I don’t need. Just think, if this thing broke, would I be totally out of service? Can opener? I can use a knife or borrow my neighbors or rummage through a nearby kitchen and find one. Your passport? Welp I’m stuck in this country now. Even though it’s hard to get a second one, you could have copies. What about your car? I could take public transpo, Uber, borrow a car, whatever. So two cars is not necessary. Two camera cords? If this one dies, then I have no way of powering my camera. That seems necessary.

So get backups!


Let’s get to 220 entries.





The future will bring change and it’s your responsibility to learn about the change. With blockchain and NFT technology buzzing around now, do your research. Instead of sitting on the side line which could have a high opportunity cost. Just like literally everything else we do in life, compound interest and complacency are two big principles.

Your research can compound and don’t be complacent about staying in the past. Same applies with healthy exercising and healthy eating.






It’s thanksgiving today which means I cheated on my diet. I wasn’t planning on cheating today. Maybe tomorrow because that’s when the big meal is. So I caved and ate at least six slices of delicious apple and pumpkin pie. What do I do? Feel guilty? Feel ashamed? Go run it off? It’s always good to exercise so I’m definitely going to do that. But how is it productive to feel like worthless because I cheated on my diet? What comes from that? I’ll just call myself a shithead, my self esteem will plummet, I’ll want to feel better, so why not go for more pie? Or I’m strong enough to resist the pie, but I’m now in a shitty mood or I just feel shitty about myself.

It’s the holiday. I’m allowed to celebrate with my friends. I’m allowed to feel grateful for them and enjoy some delicious food. Give thanks then take a bite. Then when the holiday ends, get back on that diet. Enjoy the sugar and carbs while it lasts, with every single bite, with every single second. It’ll taste like shit if you bite into the pie with guilt in your mouth.

Happy thanksgiving!






Once you lack something, you’ll start to appreciate it. That’s it with food for me. How can people get hangry after not eating for four hours. Yet if you prepare them to fast for three days or even five days, they’ll 100% be able to do it? After living in the cold for so long, you’ll start to yearn for the sun. The grass is always greener as they say, so be grateful for what you have now.


When you’re not feeling it




I haven’t eaten anything in 3.5 days. I’m not feeling it. I don’t want to blog. Yet I will show up and write. Because even when you’re not feeling it, especially when you’re not feeling it, you should show up, build the habit. Inspiration does not come before action. Action first, then inspiration, then motivation. So if you don’t feel it, that’s a sign to go do it.






If you’re practicing and you fail, you’re doing the right thing. Whether you’re learning how to skateboard or learning how to draw, you will fail. You’re not going to kickflip on the first try and the Mona Lisa is far from your drawing ability. So fail and keep failing. You’ll realize you weren’t actually “failing”, but learning.


Memento Mori




Pretend like you just got a call from your doctor. They diagnosed with you cancer and you’ve got three months to live. What will you do? Quit your job? Confess your love? Buy a plane ticket? Life it too short to be stuck in an office making money for a fat corporation that only fucks other individuals.

Some quote I heard from Naval Ravikant: “We all have two lives. The second one starts when we remember we only have one.”

But what if you need to make money? I don’t know. That’s where I’m at. Stuck in an office (even though I can easily leave, and I’m going to) to make money for my next adventure. How can we be more creative? How can we somehow monetize these adventures we want to go on?






Binging TV does nothing for you. Just watch one episode a day. So why do I continue to binge? It kills time, productivity, motivation, creativity, etc etc. Gross.

Don’t binge TV. Something as simple as go outside is better.

Yet, as I write this, I’m downloading the next season of the mediocre show I’m going to binge.

How the fuck do I implement my own advice?


Seek help




If you’re not feeling it, seek help. If you are down, seek help. You can’t go through this alone. You need other people to support you. Even Jesus had 12 disciples. Ask for help. You are brave.


Two Hundred, bebe




Here marks blog post #200. Wow! Look how far we’ve come. I started this in the beginning sludge of the pandemic in April 2020. Now it’s November 2021. I have a full time job. I’m sitting in my office in person while I write this. It took me 1 year and 7 months to get to 200 entries. That’s not bad at all.

From entry #1 (my original goal was #100 entries).

“The goal is for these next 98 posts to be in the next 98 days. But no guarantees because you lose motivation and all that jazz.”

And man oh man did I lose “motivation and all that jazz”. Instead of 98 posts in 98 days, I did 200 posts in like ~575 days. I mean that’s not terrible. Instead of a 1:1 ratio, it was more so 1:3. Which is so passable. I’m proud.

Reading blog post #2 on virginity was so fascinating. I don’t remember writing it. Some of the points are so profound! I surprised myself.

My blog style became short and snappy as I got lazier and lazier. Now this practice is to learn how to ship work (Seth Godin) and overcome writer’s block. I also wrote that I would quit if I got literally 0 views across the board. I have maybe like 4 views from people that aren’t me? And I don’t give a shit what they think. Who gives a shit what they think. I’m writing for myself, and if it applies to you then hurray. I’m putting my thoughts on paper, learning how to think critically and also surface level and sending it out to the world.

Can we get to #300? Let’s aim for #210 first. Thanks for reading. Writing is great, even when, maybe especially when you don’t feel like it.


Go outside




Go outside and get some light in your eyes. It’ll help with your cortisol levels, sleep, and overall well being. Get some sun






Sugar is effing the economy, your health, and the environment. Eliminate sugar for one week and see what happens. Then do it all together.


Working out




You should already be working out. That’s a given. You need 5 sets of one muscle group just to maintain that muscle. Go work out. It’ll make you more productive, happy, stronger, better looking. And when you workout, don’t listen to music. Listen to audio books or podcasts, Strength gains and brain gains.
