



For all it’s worth, rest. Or burn out, lose creativity, turn into a machine cog. Rest is a skill, a privilege, a necessity. Schedule your rest. Have your friends hold you accountable. Even Jesus rested.


Spiderman: No Way Home and Meme Culture




*contains Spiderman: No Way Home spoilers*

Seeing how Tiktok play a role in the new Spiderman movie was astonishing. That made me think how our culture can influence our media and vice versa. Media is much more powerful than we think. Then when Maguire kept saying “You’re amazing”, to Garfield, again and again, I thought this is just a meme. The same with when they were all in the science room putting fingers at each other. If we examine how memes have evolved, they continually got more creative and now we see some in a movie that cost more than $200 million and made more than $1.2 billion so far (in the times of the Omicron variant). Thus proving there’s a place for meme’s in this society. There always has been, and they’ve been deemed as childish, inappropriate, not professional. But this movie that everybody’s been waiting for, is filled with it. Were they just for laughs? To remind us of the absurdity of being human? They could be. And/or they are echoes of the society we live in now, where fear mongering dictates news outlets, where people spend millions on jpegs, and people invest in digital currency from a block chain.

Dogecoin was created as a joke to make fun of BTC, yet Elon Musk says, “Dogecoin has a higher transaction volume capability than Bitcoin, also with lower transaction costs.” So he’s a bull on Doge. There’s no red squiggly line under the word doge. It’s in our lexicon. There might be merit in investing in this meme coin seeing how prevalent meme culture is in our society. You could be posh and snob, but you can’t avoid it. You could be posh and snob and miss out on the NFT rise we’re going through now. One thing is guaranteed, this world is changing. What if gold loses it value? What if paper currency because we have to save the environment? Whatever happens, if you don’t jump on the train, you’ll be left behind.

Imagine a 12 year old kid in 1910 watching No Way Home. Would it be like a kid today putting on an Oculus Rift? Would they find it overwhelming? Unenjoyable? As the culture changes, media changes, art changes. So continue to create good art. Simple.






No matter how much we hate them, fight, bicker, and yell, family has a way of penetrating deep into our heart. They piss us off in a matter of seconds and can make us cry with a sentence. Reversely, they can make us feel appreciated or loved from a hot meal or a ride from the airport. Families suck. Families are beautiful. We didn’t get to choose our parents or siblings or aunts and uncles. This is who we have so make something beautiful. They are the only ones who will sit in the hospital chair while you’re dying, no matter how many times you’ve cursed them. Love or hate your family, it’s time the US saw healthier households and that starts with us.






If you have any interest with psilocybin on a profound level, do your research, find a guide, set your intention, be in the proper setting, and try it. I’m not an advocate for it because people can have bad trips. But if you’re capable of doing your own research, then perhaps create your own opinion of it. This mindset works with literally anything as well.


Happy New Year




It’s a new year. What will you learn? What’s on the calendar? How will you change? There’s so much potential. Learn from all the shitty things you did last year and change this year. Become a better listener. Work on your company. Whatever you do, transport yourself to Dec 31, 2022. Imagine you stayed stagnant and then imagine you unearthed lots of robust growth. How does each feel? Act accordingly!


Digging your car out of the snow




When your car is covered with snow from the past week’s storm, you grab your shovel and broom to dig it out. The tires will turn and the car won’t move. Ice and snow will fill your socks and tickle your feet. You’ll start sweating through your layers and still the car is buried. Keep digging. And if you’re making zero progress, get help, keep digging. And if you still can’t get the car to move, give it one more push and go to plan b. Don’t quit early. Don’t neglect other people’s help. Keep digging.


Bad is not bad




If you do something “bad”, its not actually bad. You fail a test. You crash a car. You piss your mom off. Before you label these as “bad”, how can you learn from them? How can you grow from them? It’s not actually bad. Stop complaining. Stop judging. Stop suffering twice and you’ll begin to see it’ s not that bad.

Happy blogging. Here’s to 10 more. Goal: #245


On people




Some people creep me the fuck out. Instead of trying to change them, I should change myself. I should change how I receive then, view them, judge them. Change works from the inside out.






You have to fall down when you’re snowboarding to get better. If you don’t fall you’ll stay at the same level. So welcome all your falls.


Build Streaks




I haven’t been too consistent writing this blog. The WordPress streak feature definitely helps. So build streaks. Whether that be with exercise, healthy eating, kicking a bad habit, build streaks towards your goals. My small goal is #235 entries and my big goal is #1000 entries. That will take more than two years of course. I have my sights on it and I will build my streaks towards there. I am simply using this blog to get out all of my crappy words to unearth the strong words.


Almost New Year




Before you give up and open a bag of chips, the year isn’t over. What can you accomplish in these next 8 days? Yes sometime before 2022, go ahead and binge on those chips, hopefully with laughter and surrounded by people you love. And also work! Work on what’s important to end on a high note. That energy will carry you through Q1 of 2022 to create more good art. Happy 2021.


Winning no matter what




How can you win no matter what? You made 0 sales, you fell flat on your face, you stink badly. But you still won. How? The relationships you made, the skills you learned, the resilience, patience, and perseverance gained. In this sense, every failure is a success. Every failure is a failure. But if you choose to learn from it, it becomes a victory as well.


Positive Constraint – Money




Money is a positive constraint. Don’t have enough? Good. It’ll lead to more creativity, resourcefulness, relying on your community. You want to book a $250 airbnb but it’s way out of your budget. The $150 option is farther away, less convenient, less amenities, but cheaper. Book the cheaper one. Rely on your new friends to give you a ride. Discover the nuances of the culture in that corner of the city. Walk farther and discover the city. Money is a positive constraint.






Seth Godin said it best when he talked about stretching genre. You have to on the sides of the box to use it as leverage to change and be unique. The Amazing Jonathan Documentary does exactly that. It stretches the genre of a documentary. You should watch it. I want to create art like that.


In Half




Before you move into a new apartment, leave for a vacation, or start your freshman year of college, lay out everything you’re bringing on your bed. A bed is small enough so if it’s overflowing, you know you’ve packed too much. Examine what you have, cut out half of it. “But what if I” No. You won’t need it. Think of how many times you’ve used said item in the past 3 months. Barely any. Throw it out. You don’t need so many things. They won’t make you happy. They’ll make you feel good for a moment and then leave you empty again. Throw them out. Throw it all out.
