Age explained by How I Met Your Mother

First, you’re no longer a teenager. And then you’re at the legal drinking age. Then it’s your Taylor swift era. Then Jordan year.
Then Kobe year.
And now you’re 25. You’re halfway through your 20s. It’s your senior year of being an adult.

Next year, you’ll be 26. You’re officially part of the next option in the drop down when you put your age in a survey.
What will this year be called? Your Caamp year? What will next year be called? In How I Met Your Mother, Ted is 27 in season 1. So when you turn 27, you have a 1 year to watch season 1. And when you’re 28, the same for season 2. All the way until season 9, when you’re 36. These are your How I Met Your Mother years. You have nine years, nine seasons to continue making mistakes, having fun, watching your parents grow old, watching your body change. And somehow when you blink at 27 and wake up at 36, I hope you’re happy. I hope I’m happy. Damn of course we won’t be happy. But at the very least, I hope we can look back and think, those 9 years were packed in the best ways, and I’m so proud.