A Letter to my Boss




Dear Amal,

Forty-nine. When you told us to take time to write what we learned in Jordan, I had forty-nine points. Some of them are cheesy like, “I learned I need to fix my posture.” and  “I learned I like anklets and rings.” Some of them I’ll keep with me forever like, “I learned some people exhaust me, therefore I need to schedule alone time.” and “I learned I am at my worst as a leader when I’m questioning small decisions.” Jordan was a privilege. Come spend a month in this beautiful country that not many Americans go to, yeah you’ll eat so much falafel and hummus, and work with Palestininan refugees, and explore Petra and float in the Dead Sea, but also you’ll walk away with forty-nine valuable lessons that will shape you, challenge you, mold you into this wonderful human you’re becoming. What a privilege. Thank you Amal. I turned 23 when I was in Jordan. I turned 19 when I was in Tunis, my first LCL program. Now is the time to hunker down, level up, explore, adventure, and discover who I want to be and what impact I want to make. And what a privilege it is that Lights, Camera, Learn was the very start of this growth journey, and it’s continuing to enlighten me. Also quick side note about the Dead Sea, I’ve been listening to that song by The Lumineers for nine years, and thanks to Jordan and you, I finally got a chance to visit – a surreal moment. It’s July 2022. As old chapters close and new ones begin, I’ll look back on Jordan to see how I learned much needed lessons for my next adventure: Hong Kong. I’ll remember to stand up straight as I walk around the bustling markets. I’ll flash my new jade ring to all my new friends. I’ll be a confident leader, especially in the small decisions. In a couple of years, maybe there will be a Hong Kong or Guangzhou LCL session. I’ll lead it. It’ll be so much fun. When we’re finished, I’ll write one of these letters, and end it with the only sentence that really matters. Thank you Amal.

Yours truly,


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